Guidelines for Using Video in Simulation

Blog - Guidelines for Using Video in Simulation

This week’s #askCMS comes from one of CMS’ Facebook fans: “Are there any guidelines for the use of video in simulation?”

Dan Raemer, Chief Curiosity Officer at CMS says: “Using video in debriefings needs to be done with a deft hand and a thoughtful purpose.  I generally use video to let participants absorb and reflect on how they communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with others on the team.  But, video usually works best around a particular clinical issue or event. A few tips:

1. Use short sections of video (1 or 2 minutes) that you can quickly find (marking the video or writing down a time can help)

2. Tell participants in advance what you are looking for (ex. “I’d like to see how clearly the patient’s diagnosis was articulated”)

3.  After showing the video clip clearly describe what you saw, what your concern or judgment was, and ask an open-ended curious question (ex. “I heard Mary say she could not hear breath sounds. I was concerned that some people did not realize she was considering a pneumothorax and that the treatment might be delayed.  I wonder if y’all could share your thoughts?”)

4.  Only use 2 or 3 clips per debriefing.

A few things to avoid:

1.  Using video without strict policies about confidentiality and permission

2.  Showing video to win an argument or humiliate a participant

3.  Playing too much video as it is boring

4.  Letting video out of your hands such that it could be posted on social media or misused in other ways”

If you have a question for the CMS staff, ask us on Facebook or Twitter and use hashtag #askCMS!