Important Things to Note

First AVENUE in Boston is NOT the same as First STREET in Boston. We hope you can avoid this common navigational error.

Mapping software such as Google Maps, MapQuest, etc., often show 100 First Avenue as being about a block further down First Avenue than its actual location. If you type the name “Center for Medical Simulation Boston” into Google Maps, rather than the address, it will show you the correct location.

Also, be aware that in the Charlestown Navy Yard, building numbers are not the same as street addresses. CMS’ street address is 100 First Avenue, but its building number is #39. Be careful, a location’s building number is often carved into its facade giving the impression it’s the street address – it’s not!

100 First Avenue is diagonally across the street from the intersection of 8th Street and 1st Avenue.

Getting To CMS
Driving and Parking Information
Shuttle Options
MBTA and Amtrak Directions