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CloseCMS decided to publish our internal process on instructor certification to provide an example for other institutions as they develop their own internal instructor certification processes. CMS provides simulation instructor training but does not certify outside instructors.
The Center for Medical Simulation believes that the qualification of our instructors is paramount to ensure the psychological safety of participants during our simulation-based educational activities. To that end, CMS developed an internal certification process to guide us in certifying CMS instructors. Only CMS certified instructors are able to lead courses and debriefings at CMS.
All CMS debriefers and co-debriefers have completed a CMS Simulation Instructor Training course – either our Comprehensive Instructor Workshop or Simulation as a Teaching Tool. Many but not all of our instructors are DASH Rater trained; however, they all are familiar with the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare© (DASH) because that is the tool that is used to give and receive feedback on debriefing in our center.
Crisis Resource Management and Teamwork Instructor Certification: Process and Authority
Obtaining initial Crisis Resource Management and Teamwork Instructor Certification
Maintaining initial Crisis Resource Management and Teamwork Instructor Certification
Crisis Resource Management and Teamwork Instructor Recertification