New Phone Number: (617) 370-1131
CloseDuring your participation in courses run by the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS), you may observe the performance of other individuals managing medical events and debriefing of those events. It is also possible that you may be a participant in these activities. You are asked to maintain and hold confidential all information regarding performance of individuals and details of the simulated cases.
By signing below, I acknowledge to having read and understood this statement and agree to maintain the strictest confidentiality about any observations I make regarding the performance of individuals and the simulated cases.
During the course, you may participate in realistic simulated cases of medical events and/or simulated debriefings that may be video recorded for review during debriefings as part of the educational experience. The goal is for the facilitators to provide focused feedback to the team. The faculty may review these recordings at a later date for quality improvement of the training.