New Phone Number: (617) 370-1131
Close$495 USD
NOTE: Tuition covers 1 person to participate in the webinar. No additional viewers are allowed. If you would like us to run this course exclusively for members of your department or institution, please Contact Us.
Debriefing clinical simulation experiences is widely understood as a crucial step in clarifying and consolidating insights and lessons from simulations. The Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH) is designed to assist in evaluating and developing faculty debriefing and instructional skills. The DASH is a widely used instrument with known psychometric properties. It is designed to be applied in a variety of healthcare disciplines and simulation settings and can be used for summative or formative evaluation. This intensive immersion provides an overview of the six elements to an effective debriefing as defined by the DASH before moving into three rating cycles.
The webinar is delivered via Zoom, a web conferencing platform. All materials and course interactions will occur online. In order to participate fully, each person must have:
Each individual – even those participants who are from the same institution – needs his or her own computer and computer headset (microphone and earphones). We highly encourage you to have a webcam to enrich our interactions.
Janice Palaganas, PhD, RN, NP, FSSH, ANEF, FAAN
Associate Director of Health Professions Education
MGH Institute of Health Professions, Boston, Massachusetts
Principal Faculty
Center for Medical Simulation, Boston, Massachusetts
Dr. Palaganas has developed a passion for teamwork from her background as an emergency nurse, trauma nurse practitioner, director of emergency and critical care services, and faculty for schools of medicine, nursing, allied health, management, physician assistant studies, and emergency medicine. As a behavioral scientist and former clinical nurse and hospital administrator, Dr. Palaganas’ passion is in using health care simulation as a platform for interprofessional education. She served as a committee member of the Institute of Medicine’s report on measuring the impact of interprofessional education on practice. Dr. Palaganas has shaped the field of simulation, leading the development of the Society for Simulation’s Accreditation and Certification Program, authored their first textbook, Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs as editor-in-chief. She urged the development of the recently released Society for Simulation dictionary, authored seminal articles, and co-authored field-changing research including the National League for Nursing study for high-stakes assessment using simulation.
Application Deadline: May 13, 2022
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