Jeff Cooper: The History of Simulation

How Human Factors & an OR Laser Fire Sparked an Industry

Duration Duration: 7:07
Free Open Access Materials > Healthcare Simulation

Jeff Cooper, Executive Director Emeritus of the Center for Medical Simulation, joined us in 2017 to tell the story on camera of how an Operating Room fire sparked by an accidental use of a laser led to the development of healthcare simulation into the massive industry it is today.

Week 1: The Anesthesia Machine: An Accident Waiting to Happen

Week 2: Palo Alto Versus Gainesville

Week 3: The Ripple Effect

Week 4: An Unexpected Merger: Introducing Dan Raemer

Week 5: Assembling a Team: Strength through Diversity

Week 6: Reflecting on a Legacy


Week 7: One Question at the Door

Join us on September 16, 2020 for a live discussion with Dr. Cooper. Click here to register.

Meet the Author: Jeffrey B. Cooper, PhD