You’ve been resuscitating the patient for hours and finally caught up with volume. You come back on your next shift only to find your colleague has been diuresing them all day.
What the heck were they thinking!?! This normal response to colleagues when they miss the mark clinically gets in the way of improving their—and our—performance. It’s natural to judge, to assume our own method is best, and condemn “that idiot” for their wrong-headed approach. In fact, a host of research says we are programed to respond with exasperation and negative judgment. Expert-level critical care performance however, requires feedback, coaching, and collaboration. We have to harness the energy behind our righteous indignation into a spicy mixture of feedback for and curiosity about our colleagues. Paradoxically, our vexation, when channeled into a combination of good judgment plus curiosity can boost quality and collaboration in critical care. Using research on feedback, debriefing and interprofessional communication, this talk illuminates four steps for collaborating to improve performance: 1) Note performance gap, 2) Reset one’s reaction to the gap; 3) Explore the thinking behind the performance; 4) Tailor a win-win solution to their thinking and yours.