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Recorded: May 27, 2020 The Center for Medical Simulation’s Circle Up© provides a way for any member of a healthcare team who believes that patients are safer when teams coordinate their care delive…
“Circle Up: Debriefing in the Clinical Environment,” presented by Jenny Rudolph and Demi…
This episode of the Critical Matters Podcast discusses innovation in care through the lens of proces…
CMS Senior Faculty member Clément Buléon recently presented to the Society for Anesthesia and Resu…
Circle Up is a system of communications and adaptive learning featuring three activities: 1) Briefin…
Recorded: May 27, 2020 The Center for Medical Simulation’s Circle Up© provides a way for any memb…
In the above video, Chris Roussin and Mary Fey introduce Circle Up: A supportive system of work-base…
In the above video, Chris Roussin and Mary Fey offer tips for briefing and debriefing your team, two…
Chris Roussin and Mary Fey discuss Circle Up, a system for communication that supports both staff r…
Circle Up creates a beating heart and circulation of adaptive conversation, problem-solving, and exc…