New Phone Number: (617) 370-1131
CloseThe International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) is the world’s largest conference dedicated to healthcare simulation learning, research and scholarship, offering 700+ sessions in various formats, from large plenary sessions to small, interactive immersive courses. It is also considered to be the educational and networking event for the simulation world.
IMSH is organized by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). For more information about attending IMSH, visit SSIH Professional Development. If you have any questions about IMSH registration, mailing lists, or sessions, please contact SSH via email.
IMSH 2026 will be held Saturday, January 10th thru Wednesday, January 14th, 2026
in San Antonio, Texas USA.A direct link to the IMSH2026 website will be added to this page as soon as it is available.
The Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) attends IMSH every year!
Founded in 1993, the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) was one of the world’s first healthcare simulation centers and continues to be a global leader in the field. At CMS, the focus is on communication, collaboration, and crisis management training to develop the skills and teamwork behaviors that are best learned actively, under realistic conditions. Since first opening, CMS has trained thousands of participants through its innovative and challenging programs.
Participants can expect the Center for Medical Simulation’s well-known transformational educational experience provided by a team of the world’s leading simulation experts.
Duration: 5 Days
Delivery: In Person or Online
Featuring CMS’ Debriefing with Good Judgment© and SimZones approaches, this transformative and also deeply valuable course prepares simulation program leaders and instructors to position simulation to solve real problems in healthcare organizations and health profession schools. There are group discussions interweaved with immersive practice, and reflections. Participants receive individualized coaching and feedback on their prebriefings, debriefings, and simulation program design from the course faculty.
Duration: 1 Day
Delivery: Online
The Gateway Debriefing Skills Workshop introduces healthcare education faculty to the foundational practices of the Debriefing with Good Judgment© method of debriefing. This innovative workshop is an immersive learning experience that builds debriefing skills through repeated practice with coaching from debriefing experts. Nursing programs whose faculty attend the Gateway Debriefing Skills Workshop will be able to provide evidence of meeting the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) guidelines.
Duration: 4 Hours
Delivery: Online
The DASH Rater Training Workshop is designed for clinicians who are using the DASH tool to improve their own debriefing skills or to train other clinicians on debriefing. By providing insight into effective and ineffective debriefing behaviors and common errors of observation, participants will learn how to help improve performance by giving specific, actionable, and effective feedback. We strongly recommend the workshop for anyone who is performing high stakes or summative assessment of the debriefing competence of trainees or staff.