Coronavirus COVID-19 Airway Management Checklist & Airway Map

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Coronavirus COVID-19 Airway Management Checklist

“Intubation during the COVID-19 outbreak is one of the more dangerous procedures for our teams.,” says Dr. Lon Setnik, Emergency Physician and Medical Director of the Forrest D. McKerley Simulation and Education Center at Concord Hospital. “We worked across the organization to create an approach that would keep our patients and providers as safe as possible during this pandemic.”

“The COVID-19 Suspected or Confirmed Airway Management Checklist is designed for the team to use outside the room as they set up for managing the airway, and inside the room to remind them how their job should be performed in this new process.” Read the full blog post.

COVID-19 Airway Checklist

Download Airway Checklist


The Airway Map

“The Airway Map is a printed/laminated (cleanable) 30×14 inch sheet that is used to ensure the team has everything they need before they enter the room. It is designed to fit on a standard bedside table although we have larger tables in the resuscitation bay. Green is plan A, yellow is Plan B and a rescue device, red is plan C.  Some providers want different equipment but this is a way for them to have the conversation with the team before they are fully donned, and to reduce the need to have the entire airway cart or bag in the room, which is not allowed because of possibility for contamination.” Read the full blog post.
The Airway Map

Download the Airway Map