Narrating Your Thinking

Free Open Access Materials > Debriefing, Faculty Development, Podcasts

How can narrating ones thinking help orient people and keep them involved during meetings, courses, and debriefings? The topic arose during the Advanced Instructor Course when Dr. Lon Setnik, Emergency Medical Physician at Concord Hospital and a participant in the course, noticed Jenny’s self-narration during lessons:

“Lon came up to me at a break and noted that I frequently narrated my dilemmas and emotions as I was teaching,” says Jenny. “He thought this could be useful in his own teaching or possibly during meetings and asked me about it.”

Listen to Jenny’s view on thought narration:

Audio Player


6 Point Summary

  • Create a pre-agreement about time management before a meeting/debriefing/course
  • Be transparent regarding the decision-making process
  • Discuss your emotions openly, especially when they will become apparent through some other means (ex: facial expression)
  • Be an ally of the meeting process and share the burden of “getting the most important work done”
  • Help contain the emotions in the room by narrating the feelings of other participants
  • Call out what’s happening in the moment to further productive discussion


Links/ References

How to Make Meetings Work: The New Interaction Method