New Phone Number: (617) 370-1131
Recorded: December 16, 2020 About this session Professionals are overcommitted both at home and at work. And feeling busy doesn’t help stress.
In this CMS Book Club, a Faculty/Fellows panel compares notes from two perspectives on education and…
In this week’s Brief Debriefing, past and current participants in the Center for Medical Simul…
New from CMS, we have the Center for Medical Simulation Grand Rounds: Teaching, Coaching, or Debrief…
Recorded: March 10, 2021 About this session Expertise of the debriefer is critical to ensure simulat…
Recorded: January 13, 2021 About this session We take it for granted that effective teams apply cris…
Recorded: December 16, 2020 About this session Professionals are overcommitted both at home and at w…
Recorded: November 11, 2020 Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) faculty are often asked to share the…
Recorded: October 14, 2020 Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) faculty are often asked to share thei…
Welcome back to SimFails! We’ll be releasing this limited series podcast over the next few mon…
Circle Up is a system of communications and adaptive learning featuring three activities: 1) Briefin…
Recorded: September 23, 2020 Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) faculty are often asked to share th…
Recorded: September 16, 2020 About this session Meet the Author is an opportunity to hear from leade…
Recorded: August 19, 2020 Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) faculty are often asked to share their…
Recorded: August 12, 2020 About this session Building on the discussion in Building on the discussio…
Recorded: August 5, 2020 Most of us in the simulation community have a lot to learn about making a d…
Recorded: July 15, 2020 As faculty have rapidly adopted online learning, many have found it challeng…
Recorded: July 1, 2020 Scholarship is an important element of an academic career.
Recorded: June 17, 2020 About this session Simulation-based curriculum should fit into a clear learn…
Recorded: June 10, 2020 Learning Objectives: Following this webinar, participants will be able to: D…
Recorded: June 3, 2020 Download Handout (PDF) Talk as joint social activity impacts communication pr…
Recorded: May 27, 2020 The Center for Medical Simulation’s Circle Up© provides a way for any memb…
Recorded: May 20, 2020 Since the start of the modern simulation era, many in the healthcare simulati…
In the above video, Chris Roussin and Mary Fey introduce Circle Up: A supportive system of work-base…
In the above video, Chris Roussin and Mary Fey offer tips for briefing and debriefing your team, two…
Chris Roussin and Mary Fey discuss Circle Up, a system for communication that supports both staff r…
JJ Simulationistas: The big day has come! Dan joins us one last time for the big handoff, as Janice …
Shahina Braganza, Demian Szyld, Jenny Rudolph, and the Gold Coast Hospital EDGE Collaborators publis…
DJ SIM SPECIAL: Brad Morrison joins Janice as guest host, along with Christian Balmer, Catherine Cha…
DAN IS RETIRING! This is the penultimate episode of DJ Simulationistas as you know it.
THE 50% SIM STUDY: Apologies for the poor audio quality in this episode, which was recorded on the r…
SimFails … and Other Conversations from the Sim Sofa Janice Palaganas, Kirsty Freeman, and Marcus …
The Center for Medical Simulation’s Speaking Up Stories are true stories from healthcare professio…
GRADE LEVELS: Dan & Janice discuss how accidentally joining an expert biking tour of Portugal le…
ROCKET DAN: Dan & Janice return, addled by time zone and weather changes, to talk about how to k…
How can narrating ones thinking help orient people and keep them involved during meetings, courses, …
WHISPERED RULES: Join Suzie Kardong-Edgren, Jenny Rudolph, Janice Palaganas, & more from the CMS…
CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS WITH MARY FEY: Many educators struggle with how to help their learners achiev…
NAME DROPPING: This week, Dan & Janice explore how to credit the creators of the ideas you use i…
LEARN THROUGH TALK: Walter Eppich, Demian Szyld, and Mary Fey join Dan & Janice to discuss Walte…
CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS: Mary Fey joins Janice and guest hosts Walter Eppich and Demian Szyld to disc…
PSYCH SAFETY: Join Roxane Gardner, Kate Morse, Laura Rock, Ignacio del Moral, & Janice Palaganas…
PSYCH SAFETY: This week, Dan & Janice want to revolutionize how we establish psychological safet…
“Ben Symon presents an overview of five medical education papers that support theoretical unde…
FINDING BALANCE: Roxane Gardner joins Dan & Janice to tell the story of how a tension pneumothor…
SIM PARTNERSHIPS: “We don’t want to compete with people. We want to help people.
WORKSHOPS: Dan & Janice prep for conference season by discussing cutting extraneous workshops, s…
MODEL TEACHERS: This week on DJ Simulationistas, Dan & Janice explore the elements that make a m…
The Basic Assumption™ is a core value that the Center for Medical Simulation developed and practic…
DAN-CENTENNIAL: Birthday boy Dan Raemer shares lessons from the last year of simulation, where he ha…
Dan & Janice return from Montreal with new insights on teamwork in simulation, including: workin…
Dan & Janice explore how to make time even when you’re swamped.
Dan & Janice explore the 3 types of burnout and how to overcome them.
Janice debriefs her latest keynote with Jenny Rudolph, “Walking Our Talk: Finding and Embracin…
Dan & Janice are joined by Dr.
Dan & Janice take on tribalism and backstabbing behavior in clinical care after experiencing it …
What is the value of teamwork and staff cohesion? When will you see returns on time you invest in bu…
A split-second decision needs to get made in the ER. Two people have different ideas.
Dan reflects on the hidden costs of a life devoted to continual learning.
On a recent episode of Simulcast, Jenny Rudolph talks with Victoria Brazil about rapport building, w…
Dan teaches us about the one thing that frustrates him most watching teaching in simulation, and spe…
Janice and Dan bring you the #1 skill that you can take back to patient care from simulation.
Dan and Janice tackle the question that CMS investigates every day: how do you best educate educator…
Dan and Janice explore educational models for spaced learning in healthcare education.
Dan and Janice discuss words they find frustrating in simulation, and riff on an old George Carlin r…
Janice returns from Saudi Arabia with new love and a permanent addition to her fashion collection.
Janice and Dan discuss finding the people who will give you feedback that actually helps you grow.
Effective feedback conversations are an essential part of building a successful simulation program a…
Dan & Janice explore how individual personalities can alter identical scenarios and debriefings.
Janice informs Dan of the “Dan Raemer rule” at CMS, Dan gets imposter syndrome, and both…
This course immerses healthcare simulation leaders and instructors in a multi-method course wherein …
The Center for Medical Simulation’s Gateway Debriefing Skills Workshop introduces healthcare educa…
This intensive immersion in healthcare simulation is led by experienced simulation educators.