Top 5 Foundational Papers in Simulation Literature – Ben Symon

Duration Duration: 25 Minutes
Free Open Access Materials > Debriefing, Faculty Development, Healthcare Simulation, Research

“Ben Symon presents an overview of five medical education papers that support theoretical understanding and skill guidance for effective facilitation of scenario teaching, skills teaching and providing feedback.

Speaker biography:
Ben is a Paediatric Emergency Physician working at the Prince Charles Hospital and a Simulation Educator at Queensland Childrens Hospital’s SToRK Unit. As a card carrying sim nerd, Ben has a strong interest in encouraging coal-face educators to become more familiar with the research behind simulation education in order to improve the depth and breadth of their debriefing skills. He founded the Simulcast Online Journal Club in 2016, an international, open access journal club that involves educators from around the world. Together with Jesse Spurr and Vic Brazil he regularly podcasts about new and classic simulation literature on their podcast ‘Simulcast’. He can be found on Twitter at @symon_ben.

From the 2018 APLS Paediatric Acute Care Conference in Hobart.”

This video was shared with permission from Advanced Paediatric Life Support, Australia (APLS).