Combined CIMIT Consortium/Boston Simulation Community Meeting March 10th

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Boston Simulation Community
CIMIT Boston Simulation Consortium
Quarterly Meeting


Please join us on March 10, 2015 from 5:30-7:00PM for the combined Boston Simulation Community – CIMIT Boston Simulation Consortium Quarterly Meeting hosted at the Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT) in Boston, MA and on the Web by James Gordon, MD, Chief of the Massachusetts General Hospital Learning Laboratory.

At this meeting, updates will be provided on simulation consortium activities over the quarter and upcoming initiatives. There will also be an opportunity to hear from the final CBSC awardee: Yohan Song MD, Parotidectomy Surgical Simulator, Stanford University.

March 10 Meeting Agenda and Location

CIMIT Boston Simulation Consortium
CIMIT, 7th floor, Room 701
165 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Announcements and General Updates
  2. Center for Medical Simulation Update
  3. CRICO & Harvard Medical School/Academy Interest Group Update
  4. Consortium Hospital/University Initiatives and Updates
  5. General Discussion
  6. CIMIT Update: Simulation Innovation Competition Awards
              Dr. Yohan Song, “Parotidectomy Surgical Simulator,” Standford University

To join the online meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Go to

To join the audio conference only:

US (Long distance): +1 (224) 501-3217

Spain (Long distance): +34 955 32 0845

Access code: 387-134-077

More phone numbers:

For assistance contact Penny Carleton at:

1-617-605-8579 (cell)


Upcoming Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meetings

  • April 14, 2015: @ STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation, Brigham and Women’s Hospital – “Simulated Debriefing Training: Ideas and Thoughts.” Presenters:
    • Usamah Alzoraigi, MD; Simulation Fellow STRATUS & CMS; Anesthesia Consultant KFMC, Riyadh, KSA
    • Shadi Almoziny, MD; Simulation Fellow STRATUS; Emergency Associate Consultant KFMC, Riyadh, KSA
    • Abdullah Almarshed, MD; Simulation Fellow STRATUS; Emergency Associate Consultant KFMC, Riyadh, KSA
  • May 19, 2015 (3rd Tuesday): Location TBA, Topic TBA
  • June 09, 2015: Location TBA, Topic TBA
  • July 2015: No meeting, summer hiatus
  • August 2015: No meeting, summer hiatus


About Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meetings

The meetings provide a friendly and informal venue for simulation educators and researchers to present work-in-progress, problem solve and share best practices, acquaint each other with relevant ideas from other disciplines and connect with others. The meetings are generally (but not always) held on the second Tuesday of each month.

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