Amanda Gelineau is a resident in Anesthesia at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA. She spent the month of March at the Center for Medical Simulation on an elective rotation. The goal of the rotation program is to expose residents to the potential and operational use of simulation for education, clinical training and research. Over the course of the month, residents develop simulation scenarios including patient records, plot, setup, debriefing notes, and references.
“I had heard from colleagues who have come to the Center for Medical Simulation before me that the month-long simulation experience offered to MGH anesthesia residents was one of the most transformative experiences in their residency. Now, having just completed the month myself, I could not agree more. I saw early on in residency the need for effective interdisciplinary communication in the operating room and how it often falls short. I sought to learn how we can improve our communication by speaking with mentors who excel in it and reading about effective communication techniques. It wasn’t until I completed the CMS Comprehensive Instructor Workshop, though, that I finally found what I had been looking for. Throughout the intensive week long course, I watched as our instructors masterfully handled a large group with strong opinions. Each day felt as though they were opening a new door with an array of techniques and tools to use in education and debriefing. I learned not only how to speak my mind more clearly, but also how to listen more openly and empower others to share their thoughts. The skills I learned in the course can be easily applied to my professional interactions, but I believe that applying them outside of work will help improve my personal interactions as well. I am so grateful to all the staff at CMS for such an outstanding learning experience and know that I will continue to practice the skills I’ve learned here throughout my career and life.”
–Amanda Gelineau, MD