CMS Says Goodbye to Michael Buttimer – The Amazing MTB!
Last Friday was a bittersweet day for everyone at the Center for Medical Simulation as we said goodbye to Michael Buttimer, the Amazing MTB, our Marketing and Content Design Specialist. Michael came to CMS almost three years ago to become our first full time Marketing Specialist. Being first in a role often isn’t easy, but Michael ended up setting a high bar for those who follow in his footsteps. He took our inbound marketing program and built it into a powerhouse. Not only did he design cool content and deftly handle sales enquiries, he also managed our analytics and social media accounts.
However, Michael was more than the “Marketing Guy. One his hobbies is acting. Michael’s been an extra in movies and has had small parts in commercials. As you can imagine he took an active part in our courses acting in roles ranging from patients to surgeons and other health care providers. He always got rave reviews!
On Friday CMS Team members from all over the country “zoomed” in to say their goodbyes. A small group of us who were able to be at CMS, and following appropriate social distancing rules, had a luncheon where we presented Michael with a small token of our appreciation. Everyone reminisced and some great stories were shared. Michael expressed thanks for the opportunities he was given to learn and grow while at CMS. He also spoke fondly of the friendships he made with his CMS teammates as well as with the fellows and students who come to CMS from all over the world.
Michael’s friendliness. outgoing personality and wonderful quirky sense of humor are really going to be missed. Not to mention, who’s going to organize the coffee runs to Dunkies now that he’s gone?
Good luck in your new role at Ultimate Kronos!