HvV Completes 50th Simulation as a Teaching Tool Course

Blog - HvV Completes 50th Simulation as a Teaching Tool Course

The Hospital virtual Valdecilla (HvV), a CMS Affiliate, delivered its 50th Simulation as a Teaching Tool (SATT) course in Spanish in Lima, Perú. The SATT course is a four-day simulation workshop that is held at host sites around the world.

“It is been a huge team effort that started in 2004 when the Institute for Medical Simulation (IMS) began in Boston under the leadership of Jeff Cooper, Dan Raemer, Robert Simon and Jenny Rudolph followed six years later by the Spanish version under the leadership of José Maestro, MD, PhD, Teaching Director at HvV,” says Ignacio Del Moral, MD, PhD, Managing Director of HvV and a former CMS Fellow.

The Center for Medical Simulation’s Affiliation with the Hospital virtual Valdecilla has helped broaden and enrich CMS’ global community. Dr. Del Moral, Dr. Maestro, and the HvV are leading the efforts to deliver engaging and innovative simulation-based education to educators worldwide.