Originally published in the August 2019 edition of BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, the article, “Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act,” is now available online. Written by Michaela Kolbe, Walter Eppich, Jenny Rudolph, Michael Meguerdichian, Helen Catena, Amy Cripps, Vincent Grant, and Adam Cheng, the paper looks at the delicate art of debriefing while maintaining a psychologically safe environment for participants.
“Debriefings should promote reflection and help learners make sense of events. Threats to psychological safety can undermine reflective learning conversations and may inhibit transfer of key lessons from simulated cases to the general patient care context. Therefore, effective debriefings require high degrees of psychological safety—the perception that it is safe to take interpersonal risks and that one will not be embarrassed, rejected or otherwise punished for speaking their mind, not knowing or asking questions.” (Kolbe et al, 2019)
The paper was featured in the of September 2019 episode of the Simulcast Journal Club Podcast Monthly Wrap: http://simulationpodcast.com/simulcast-journal-club-podcast-monthly-wrap-september-2019/
The full article can be accessed at https://stel.bmj.com/content/6/3/164
Kolbe, M., Eppich, W., Rudolph, J., Meguerdichian, M., Catena, H., Cripps, A., Grant, V. and Cheng, A. (2019). Managing psychological safety in debriefings: a dynamic balancing act. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, pp.bmjstel-2019-000470.