New Phone Number: (617) 370-1131
CloseThe August 10-14, 2020 course will only be offered online. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
In these rapidly changing times, CMS is innovating to meet the challenge. This flagship educator course is now available online with updated the curriculum to refocus the course on helping participants make a significant, measurable impact on their organization. Participants will learn to work practically and strategically to translate simulation into gains for their learners, colleagues and organization.
To leverage your investment in this course and position your work to have the greatest impact, we will ask you to do some work before you arrive. To get buy-in and support for your program, we will help you identify a real problem that can be addressed with simulation (e.g. patient safety issues, curriculum challenges). We will then integrate your questions and challenges about how to address this organizational problem through interactive small group work.
Participants in the course can expect the exceptional educational experience that the Center for Medical Simulation is known for. Each course will feature several CMS faculty, who will work with learners in small groups to develop curriculum to guide their simulation program, to learn Debriefing with Good Judgment©, and to design simulation courses.
We are excited to begin this new adventure in online education. We look forward to seeing you, wherever you are!
The course will take place over 5 consecutive days. It is our belief that this intense learning experience is best accomplished with continuous, individualized mentoring from highly experienced CMS faculty and the development of a peer-led community of practice. The course combines didactic and experiential learning with practice and feedback. Participants will run and debrief simulation cases and receive coaching and feedback on debriefing skills from leading debriefing experts. Days begin at 9:00 AM and end at approximately 5:00 PM US Eastern time.
Using best practices for dynamic, interactive online education, each course day will be a mix of video conference time with faculty, offline time to work alone or in your small group, and periods of down time for rest and reflection. You can count on learning as much from the process of online education in the course as you will from the content.
This online course is delivered via Zoom, a web conferencing platform, and the CMS Virtual Campus, a learning management system. All materials and course interactions will occur online. In order to participate fully, each participant must have:
Each individual – even those participants who are from the same institution – needs his or her own computer and computer headset (microphone and earphones). We highly encourage you to have a webcam to enrich our interactions.
Learn more about the Healthcare Simulation Essentials: Design and Debriefing course
$5,775 USD
NOTE: Tuition covers 1 person to participate in the course. No additional viewers are allowed.
Apply Now
Course is full. Waitlist only.
Application Deadline: July 13, 2020