DISCOVER PHASE (Debriefing In Situ COVID-19 to Encourage Reflection and Plus-delta in Healthcare After Shift Ends) is an adaptation of the DISCERN tool* for debriefing after clinical events and integrates core ideas from the Center for Medical Simulation, in particular the Good Judgment approach to debriefing. This version of the tool is intended for debriefing at the end of a shift or working period. This process and tool can be used by a debriefing facilitator who was or was not on duty during the shift. The debriefing leader can be on-site or can connect via audio-video conference.
DISCOVER PHASE was created by Demian Szyld (Center for Medical Simulation ;, JC Servotte (University of Liege ;, Thomas Welch-Horan (Baylor College of Medicine;, Paul C. Mullan (Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters;, and input from other colleagues at the Center for Medical Simulation.
*Adapted from Mullan PC, Wuestner E, Kerr TD, et al. Implementation of an in situ qualitative debriefing tool for resuscitations. Resuscitation. 2013;84:946-951.