The monthly Boston Simulation Community Research and Education meeting will be held this evening Tuesday, May 8th from 5:30-7pm at the Center for Medical Simulation at 65 Landsdowne Street, Cambridge MA. Light snacks will be served. These meetings provide a friendly and informal venue for simulation educators and researchers to present work-in-progress, acquaint each other with relevant ideas from other disciplines and connect with others. The meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Everyone with an interest in Simulation is welcome to attend – please feel free join us!
Tonight, Jenny Rudolph, PhD, of the Center for Medical Simulation in Cambridge, MA (CMS) will be presenting: Taking (some of) the guesswork out of debriefing: preparing faculty for a successful debriefing. This will be an interactive session that will let participants plan for new debriefings or refine old ones using a simple analytic approach. The approach is designed to help the debriefer clarify objectives, avoid problems, and identify fruitful approaches when debriefing a scenario. Dr. Rudolph presented a draft of this approach 18 months ago and CMS faculty have been working to refine it since then. She believes it to be a very useful approach and will be looking for feedback on how to improve the process. Attendees are encouraged to come with a scenario that they would like to work on.
Upcoming meeting of the Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meeting:
June: Work in progress—Helping Learners Manage Anxiety in Simulation: Ann Mullen, Newton Wellesley Hospital
If there is a work in progress or other project you would like to present on the Committee’s fall schedule, please contact Dr. Rudolph at