Dear Simulation Colleagues:
Please join us on May 10th, Tuesday from 5:30-7 at the Center for Medical Simulation, 65 Landsdowne Street, 1st Floor, Cambridge for a conversation with Marlys Christianson, MD, PhD, University of Totonto, Roman School of Business on using simulation to study and improve diagnostic problem solving. Dr. Christianson will present: “It doesn’t feel right”: How diagnoses are updated through interaction.
Dr. Christianson will talk about the challenges clinicians face in updating and revising their diagnoses in a timely manner in order to prevent or minimize error. Why is it so hard for clinicians to change their original understanding of a situation, even in the face of mounting evidence that their understanding is mistaken?
Dr. Christian will explore this question with respect to the phenomenon of “updating” a process in which clinicians revisit and potentially revise their current diagnoses in response to an evolving situation. There are two main gaps in the literature related to updating. First, while previous research has identified numerous barriers to updating, little is known about how updating actually occurs as part of everyday work. Second, the research related to how updating is accomplished portrays updating as a predominantly individual, cognitive, and acontextual process, which overlooks that updating cannot be isolated from the situational particulars of the context in which it occurs. This paper aims to fill the gaps in the literature by developing a rich understanding of how updating is accomplished, paying special attention to the interactions with others and with the physical environment that shape updating.
The June Meetingwill be held on June 21st (PLEASE NOTE, this is THIRD Tuesday in June)
Guillermo Ortiz Ruiz, M.D: Using Simulation to Improve the Management of Sepsis in the ICU
Dr. Ortiz Ruiz, a Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician, is a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Medical Simulation from March-July 2011.
More on Dr. Ortiz Ruiz:
Director of Critical Care Department
Hospital Santa Clara
Director of Postgraduate Program in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Universidad el Bosque
Bogota, Colombia
Our meetings provide a friendly and informal venue for simulation educators and researchers to present work-in-progress, acquaint each other with relevant ideas from other disciplines and connect with others. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please join us!