Join your Simulation colleagues on Tuesday October 11, from 5:30-7pm for the monthly Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meeting. The meeting is being hosted by Center for Medical Simulation, 65 Landsdowne Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
A Conversation with John Morey PhD, senior research psychologist at Dynamics Research Corporation, Andover, MA. The Sim Center Goes to War: Using Civilian Simulation Centers for Army National Guard and Reserve Medical Unit Training
Dr. John Morey is the senior research psychologist at Dynamics Research Corporation, Andover, MA, and has 33 years of experience as a practicing human factors specialist and applied psychologist. For the past twenty years Dr. Morey has been conducting research into methods to improve performance in high skill, mission-critical military and healthcare work settings. He was a member of the original development team for the MedTeams® project, a joint civilian and military program to transition lessons-learned from aviation crew resource management to health care. Most recently he has been conducting research to improve simulation training opportunities for Army National Guard and Reserve medical care providers. His earlier research involved improving individual and team performance through the use of aviation and combat vehicle full-mission simulators. Dr. Morey has led projects to improve skilled performance training programs, the design and evaluation of job performance aids, the analysis of workload, measuring the relationship between attitudes and performance, and operational improvements in visual and mechanical systems used by high-performance teams. Dr. Morey holds a PhD from the University of Georgia in experimental psychology, and has over 80 publications, presentations, and technical reports in human factors and training development.
About the Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meeting:
BSCREM meetings provide a friendly and informal venue for simulation educators and researchers to present work-in-progress, acquaint each other with relevant ideas from other disciplines and connect with others. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month.