CIMIT Boston Simulation Consortium Quarterly Meeting will be held at the Center for Medical Simulation in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday, July 10th

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The next Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT) Boston Simulation Consortium Quarterly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 10th from 5:30-7pm at the Center for Medical Simulation at 65 Landsdowne Street, Cambridge MA.  Light snacks will be served.  This quarterly meeting is scheduled during the standing time for the Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  These meetings provide a friendly and informal venue for simulation educators and researchers to present work-in-progress, acquaint each other with relevant ideas from other disciplines and connect with others. Please join us! 

Whether the medical practitioner is a new resident, an ICU nurse, a young battlefield medic or an experienced surgeon, the traditional method of learning a new technique has been to observe or read about a new technique, then attempt it on a patient. Simulation and using the “virtual environment” can accelerate the introduction and integration of new technologies into the clinical care. Simulation integrates tools, team training and virtual environments for scenario testing into one compressive philosophy intent on improving confidence, competence, operational performance and patient outcomes.

A collaborative partnership across CIMIT member hospitals and universities, the CIMIT Boston Simulation Consortium builds upon the success of the individual institutional simulation centers and Risk Management Foundation (RMF/CRICO) of the Harvard Medical Institutions and unifies the Boston community as a worldwide hub for healthcare simulation. The collective experience and resources of these premier simulation centers offer an unparalleled opportunity to partner with academia, government and industry to advance the field of healthcare simulation and to fully integrate clinical simulation as a quality and safety tool in health care practice.


Upcoming meeting of the Boston Simulation Community Research and Education Meeting:

September 11, 2012:  We will have a Work-in-Progress presentation about Prop Chart” a visual model to analyze the effectiveness of simulation training course.  Our presenter will be: Annemarie Fransen, an obstetrician from the Netherlands.