The Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) turns 21 this year! To celebrate we’ll be holding a party from 6-9 pm on September 19th. The event will be held at CMS at 100 First Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02129. Tickets are available for $150.00. Click here for more information about the party and to purchase tickets.
In keeping with our experiential nature and propensity to have fun there will be some great “hands on” activities. You can learn to juggle or salsa dance, and you can have your picture taken with our fortune telling mannequin. We’ll even be showing movies about CMS along with the Justine Cooper’s classic, “If it weren’t for you I’d be sued”. We’ll have a few guest speakers and Jeff Cooper, our founder and Executive Director, will do a Ted like talk on CMS’ past, present and future. And, of course there will be libations and plenty of great hors d’oeuvres. It’s going to be a fabulous time and we hope you can come. If not, we’re streaming the presentations live. A link will be available on the party homepage on September 19th.
6:00 – 7:30 Learning, Networking, Playing
- Learn to Juggle With Jenny the Juggler
- Learn Salsa Dancing
- Take a photo with our Fortune Telling Mannequin
- Take in a Movie
- Networking
- Enjoy Libations and Catering by PJ
7:30 – 8:15 CMS Anniversary Presentations Main Conference Center, also
Hosted by Jeff Cooper broadcast to overflow areas.
8:15 – 9:00 Learning, Networking, Playing continues As above
Click on the picture below to hear a personal invitation from Jeff to come to the party.