The Center for Medical Simulation (CMS) congratulates Dr. Hing Yu So on his apppointment as President of the Hong Kong College of Anesthesiologists (HKCA). HKCA is responsible for the training and certification of specialists in anaesthesiology in Hong Kong and is also responsible for the Fellowship training in Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine.
HKCA is one of the founding colleges of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) an independent institution with statutory power to organise, monitor, assess and accredit all medical and dental specialist training and to oversee the continuing medical education and continuous professional development of specialists practising in Hong Kong. Dr. So is a member of HKAM’s governing Council and is the Honorary Director of its Innovative Learning Centre of Medicine, a regional simulation center excelling in simulation based learning and research for health care professionals. HKAM and Dr. So have had a long association with CMS. HKAM has been a CMS Affiliate and Alliance Member for many years. Dr. So is a graduate of CMS’ “Simulation as a Teaching Tool” and “Advanced Debriefing” faculty development courses. He also spent time at CMS in Boston as an International Visiting Scholar.
Dr So graduated from the School of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and is a Fellow in Anaesthesiology as well as a Fellow in Intensive Care of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists. He is also a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Foundation Fellow of the College of Intensive Care Medicine.
Dr. So has extensive training in quality and safety. He obtained his Master of Science in Quality Management from the University of Paisley, and is certified in Medical Quality by the American Board of Medical Quality. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Quality Institute and Chartered Quality Professional in UK. Dr. So has served as Deputy Service Director in Quality & Safety in the New Territories East Cluster (NTEC) and was previously Chairman of the Quality and Safety Committee of HKAM. He teaches quality and safety in the Master of Health Services Management program and is an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of the School of Primary and Public Health, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr. So recently obtained his Master of Health Professions Education from the Maastricht University. He is currently leading development of Workplace-based Assessment in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. He is also leading development of e-Learning in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.