Join CMS Workshops at IMSH 2024!

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Monday, January 22, 2024

10:00 – 11:00 am

An Effective Way to Use Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

First Presenter: Rebecca Minehart | Co-Presenters: Roxane Gardner, Jenny Rudolph

Debriefing the Unthinkable: Phased Separation of Emotions and Practice in Simulation

First Presenter: Aaron Lacy | Co-Presenters: Alexander Croft, Tina Chen, Nicole Novotny. Rami Ahmed, Jennifer Reyes Lin, Jenny Rudolph, Ernesto Romo

11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Multimedia Scenario Editor for Simulation and Debriefing (Exhibit Hall)

First Presenter: Rebecca Minehart | Co-Presenters: Fernando Salvetti, Barbara Bertagni, Roxane Gardner, Jenny Rudolph

A 3D Printed Simulated Training Defibrillator (Exhibit Hall)

First Presenter: Dan Raemer

2:00 – 3:30 pm

Speed Mentoring: A Networking Event with Leaders in Simulation Healthcare

First Presenter: Donna McDermott | Co-Presenters: Sean Cavanaugh, Kirsty Freeman, Melissa Lowther, Tiffany Moadel, Jared Kutzin, Ambrose Wong, Rami Ahmed, Marc Auerbach, Grace Ng

4:00 – 5:30pm
Harnessing DASH to Recognize and Categorize Debriefing Skills for Self and Faculty Development

First Presenter: Lon Setnik | Co-Presenters: Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Seon Yoon Chung, Britlyn Orgil, Gabriel Reedy, Christopher Roussin

SSH Anesthesia Section Presents: Advances in Simulation Education – A Panel Presentation

First Presenter: Tim Webb | Co-Presenters: Erin Blanchard, Faiza Khan, Greta Mitzova-Vladinov, Clark Obr. Britlyn Orgil, Chris Simmons

Submitting a Compelling Grant Proposal

First Presenter: Asit Misra | Co-Presenters: Vivian Obeso, Ivette Motola, Bary Issenberg, Jeffrey Groom. Ross Scalese, Evelyn Anzardo

Preparing Your CHSE-A Portfolio: Strategies for Success

First Presenter: Linda Wilson | Co-Presenters: Penni Watts, Pooja Nawathe. Alaina Herrington, Tonya Schneidereith

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
4:00 – 5:30 pm

Gold All Around You: Harnessing the Power of Trainees in Simulation Facilitation

First Presenter: Matthew Tung | Co-Presenters: Britlyn Orgill

Establishing, Sustaining, and Repairing Psychological Safety in Simulation-Based Learning

First Presenter: Amy Daniels | Co-Presenters: Lon Setnik, Henrique Arantes, Gabriel Reedy. Walter Eppich, Jenny Rudolph, Christopher Roussin

SSH Presents: Ask Three Questions: Research Speed Mentoring Event

First Presenter: Karen Mangold | Co-Presenters: Gabriel Reedy

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

10:00 – 11:00am
Avatars, Digital Humans, and Embodied Conversational Agents: How to Use Them in Simulation

First Presenter: Rebecca Minehart | Co-Presenters: Fernando Salvetti, Barbara Bertagni, Roxane Gardner, Jenny Rudolph