May Pian-Smith, CMS OR Teamwork Course Faculty, to Give Keynote at 5th Annual Tristate Regional Simulation Symposium

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Blog - May Pian-Smith, CMS OR Teamwork Course Faculty, to Give Keynote at 5th Annual Tristate Regional Simulation Symposium

May Pian-Smith, MD MS, Chief of the Division of Quality and Safety at the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at MGH and CMS Faculty in our Operating Rooms Teamwork course, will give the keynote presentation at the The Fifth Annual Tristate Regional Simulation Symposium: Real-World Applications: Making Change Happen.

The event will take place September 17, 2021, from 11 AM to 5 PM US Eastern time. Registration information can be found here:

Dr. Pian-Smith’s clinical specialty is obstetric anesthesia. Much of her clinical work and investigation centers on improving the healthcare of women, but within that realm projects have spanned a wide spectrum from studying markers of endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclamptics to the role of alternative therapies for the management of menopausal symptoms.

In addition to enjoying the fruits of direct patient care, her work at Harvard Medical School has provided wonderful opportunities to help shape the future of our specialty through innovations in education, including:

  • Developing techniques to engage the adult learner
  • Promoting deliberate practice and personal reflection in medical training
  • Using simulation to create controlled and experiential learning opportunities
  • Promotion of patient safety practices through improved communication and interdisciplinary collaboration
  • A leadership role in the recruitment of our trainees, with the goal of enhancing an extraordinary, talented and diverse community
  • Tangible ways to contribute to the support, development and retention of talented and diverse faculty in the Harvard Medical School community at large