Rebecca Minehart, MD, MSHPEd, has been appointed Associate Director for Anesthesia Programs at the Center for Medical Simulation. This appointment recognizes the fine educational leadership and teaching that Dr. Minehart has done during the years she has worked with CMS. In this role, Dr. Minehart will continue her work with our Director of Anesthesia Programs, Dr. Bob Nadelberg.
Dr. Minehart is an obstetric anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, an Assistant Professor of Anesthesia at Harvard Medical School, and the Program Director for the MGH Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship. She is an ardent education and patient safety advocate and has been involved in international efforts to both research and promote best teamwork and communication practices, especially involving speaking up and giving feedback, on the labor and delivery unit, and during interprofessional operating room team training sessions.
She is a recognized expert in educational techniques using simulation and has been a core teaching faculty member at CMS for many years, as well as for the past six years for the MGH Learning Laboratory. She was recently named the Director for Faculty Programming for the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine at MGH. She received her master’s degree in Health Professions Education from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in 2015, and was awarded the Partners Research in Medical Education Award in 2014 for her research on feedback. She has received grant funding for research in education from the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research as well as the Executive Committee on Teaching and Education at MGH. In addition, she is a member of the ASA’s Interactive Computer-Based Education Editorial Board, the Chair of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Fellowship Program Directors’ Committee, and the Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship Program Director representative to SAAAPM.
The Center for Medical Simulation looks forward to our continued collaboration with Dr. Minehart in our clinical anesthesia programming.