“Feedback is transient. It goes into every aspect of your life,” says Janice Palaganas, PhD, RN, NP, FSSH, ANEF, FAAN, Director of Educational Innovation & Development at the Center for Medical Simulation (CMS).
This spring, Dr. Palaganas will be co-leading, The Feedback Course: Transforming Self, Others, and Culture, a new online course offering.
“A lot of what we teach at CMS extends beyond simulation, it really gets to the crux of who you are an educator. We’ve taken a lot of those concepts and have translated them for people who are not simulationists,” explains Dr. Palaganas.
The course was created after Dr. Palaganas and Jenny Rudolph, PhD, Executive Director of CMS, interviewed 100 healthcare educators about their educational needs. One of the most requested training topics was “feedback,” something that Dr. Palaganas could relate to: “Working in a feedback culture, that is a daily activity that we do, both receiving and giving feedback.”
Meeting online six times over the course of seven weeks, The Feedback Course participants will get the opportunity to develop their feedback skills with guidance from expert CMS faculty. In addition to giving feedback, participants will also practice receiving feedback:
“You can never reach your fullest potential, if you don’t receive feedback from other people. When you do what we do, as an educator, a part of giving effective feedback is learning how to receive feedback.”
Dr. Palaganas is both excited for The Feedback Course to launch in March 2020 and the possibility of offering the course in Spanish in the future. At the International Meeting in Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2020), she will be leading Dar Comentarios sobre los Comentariosa, a feedback workshop offered in Spanish, as well as Feedback on Feedback, the English version of the workshop. Dr. Palaganas will also be teaching a preconference and other workshops on feedback and mentoring at IMSH 2020.
The Feedback Course is now accepting applications for the course starting in March 2020. For more information, please visit: https://harvardmedsim.org/course/the-feedback-course/