Mary Fey, PhD, RN returns to the Center for Medical Simulation as Associate Director for Applied Learning for Performance and Safety (ALPS), formerly known as Educational Leadership and International Programs (ELIP). For the past two years, Mary has been deeply engaged in consulting work with nursing schools, through her own consulting company as well as the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). She returns to bring this consulting expertise to support the mission of the CMS ALPS program, in conjunction with Chris Roussin, Senior Director.
Since the publication of the AACN’s latest update to their “Essentials,” there have been major shifts in nursing education. The new focus on competency-based education, with the goal of graduating “practice ready” nurses, aligns strongly with CMS’ new faculty development focus on faculty development for situational and team readiness, as emphasized in our Healthcare Simulation Essentials and Advanced Instructor Courses. Healthcare faculty must now think of themselves not just as teachers but as coaches and conversational partners as our learners and teams develop their continual readiness. In addition to working with our consulting programs, Mary will also rejoin the faculty in these courses.
We are thrilled to have Mary back on the CMS team full-time!